This site tells about a post-graduate department «Machines and technology of packing» of the Ukrainian academy of Printing (UAP, Lviv), created by the order of rector UAP #323 from September 23, 2009. 2 professors and 5 associate professors entered in the complement of department (1 D.rar.nation.habil. and 6 Ph.D.).
Creation of MTP department is a logical result of careful scientific-methodical and organizational job, conducted by department lecturers for 17 years of creative search. A long difficult way is passed from an idea to its realization. In an academy at first specialists were produced on specialization, after - on new speciality of «Machine and technology of packing», what was confirmed on a fourth educational-qualifying level in Ukraine. The department of " Machines and technology of packing" is located in a Lvov center in the buildings of UAP on Kotsyubinsky Str., 21 and Lychakivska Str., 3.